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Re: インデックス更新方法について

on 2000.6.5 4:44 PM, Ryuji Abe at raeva@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> これはRed Hat Linux用のRPMをインストール
>>> しています? 
>> いいえ。安定版にあった2.0.4.tar.gzをインストールして
>> おります。なにか問題がありますでしょうか?
> いや、Red Hat Linux用のパッケージがそのまま
> 使えているのかなと思って訊いてみたのです。
> 確かCalderaってRed Hatとの互換性はあまり高く
> はないですよね?

RPMS for other distributions

I want to set up a Beowulf Cluster and the pre-compiled software from NASA
is in RPM format but their site says it is for Red Hat's distribution of
linux. Is the directory tree in your distribution pretty much the same as
Red Hat's with a similar kernel version? I am hoping to not have to compile
the system from scratch.

Usually the problem is that RPMS compiled for anything newer than RedHat 4.2
are compiled against glibc (libc6). These won't run on OpenLinux.
Other than that, I would say go ahead an attempt to install the rpm. The
kernel source locations are ususally the same (/usr/src/linux/...) and the
kernel tree is the same as well. However, if it does install a custom
kernel, that may cause problems, so you may want to back up your old kernel
