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Re: Mailman and summary

On June 19, 2003 at 23:16, Todd Slater wrote:

> I just started playing with namazu and love it!
> I indexed the html files of a Mailman (pipermail) archive. When I do a
> search, the summary contains only the mail/archive stuff, like from,
> next message, previous message etc. and nothing of the message body. Is
> there a way to skip x lines for the summary, or is there a better way to
> index the archive?

You will need to create a custom filter that understand pipermail
HTML pages.  Namazu already has one for MHonArc archives, but
I do think there are any filters for other mail archivers.

It appears that pipermail does not clearly delimit message header
information, but at a minimum, you should be able to get namazu
to only index the message body.
