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Re: learning from failures (Re:$B%U%!%$%k$r>C$7$F$7$^$&$+$b$7$l$J$$!!(B2.0.3 $B$NIT6q9g(B)

kenzo-@xxxxxxxxxx (Ken-ichi Hirose) wrote:

>最後に、私なりの反省ですが一晩中やっていて朝方 commit するという



Gonzo Programming

     If you haven't spent at least a month working on the same program
     -- working 16 hours a day, dreaming about it during the remaining 8
     hours of restless sleep, working several nights straight through
     trying to eliminate that "one last bug" from the program -- then
     you haven't really written a complicated computer program. And you
     may not have the sense that there is something exhilarating about
     programming. -- Edward Yourdon
   This lusty tribute to programming machismo is pure B.S. and an almost
   certain recipe for failure. Those all-night programming stints make
   you feel like the greatest programmer in the world, but then you have
   to spend several weeks correcting the defects you installed during
   your blaze of glory. By all means, get excited about programming. But
   learn how to handle the firearm before you shoot yourself in the foot.

# 僕は大切な仕事は午前中にするようにしています。昔は夜行性の
# ゴンゾープログラマだったけど :-)

-- Satoru Takabayashi