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Re: Perl5.6.0 $B$G$NF0:n(B

>>>>> In [namazu-users-ja : No.00172] 
(B>>>>> "knok" = knok@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (NOKUBI Takatsugu) wrote:
(Bknok> >> NKF module $B$O%$%s%9%H!<%k$G$-$?$_$?$$!#$G$b(B kakasi $B$,$&$^$/(B
(Bknok> >> $B$$$+$J$+$C$?!#(B
(Bknok>   $B$3$l$O4{CN$NLdBj$G!"(BMakefile $B$r@8@.$9$k:]$K!"(B
(Bknok> $ perl Makefile.PL POLLUTE=1
(Bknok>   $B$H$9$l$P2r7h$7$^$9!#(BText::ChaSen $B$K$bF1MM$NLdBj$,B8:_$7!"F1MM$NJ}K!(B
(Bknok> $B$G2r7h$G$-$^$9!#(B
(Bknok>   $B6a$$$&$A$K!"(BPOLLUTE=1 $B$NITMW$J(B version $B$r:n@.$7$^$9$N$G!"$=$l$^$G$O(B
(Bknok> $B>e5-$NJ}K!$G$NBP=h$r$*4j$$$7$^$9!#(B
$B$3$NJ}K!$G(B Text::Kakasi $B$O$G$-$^$7$?$,!"F|K\8l(BSolaris2.6$B!"(B
(Bnamazu-2.0.2 $B$G(B make check $B$,$*$+$7$$$G$9!#(B
(Bmake  check-TESTS
(Bmake[3]: Entering directory `/home/kose/tmp/namazu-2.0.2/tests'
(BUnrecognized escape \v passed through at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/File/ line 276.
(Bmknmz::parse_options() called too early to check prototype at ./mknmz line 1063.
(Bmknmz::main() called too early to check prototype at ./mknmz line 71.
(Bmknmz::muda() called too early to check prototype at ./mknmz line 2368.
(B/</?([A-Z]\w*)(?:\s+[A-Z]\w*(?:\s*=\s*(?:(["']).*?\2|[\w-.]+))?)*\s*>/: false [] range "\w-" in regexp at ../filter/ line 270.
(B/(^\s*(Date:|Subject:|Message-ID:|From:|$B7oL>(B|$B:9=P?M(B|$BF|;~(B))|(^.+($BJV;v$G$9(B|reply\s*$B$G$9(B|$B[)$/(B|$B$$$o$/(B|$B=q$-$^$7$?(B|$B8@$$$^$7$?(B|$BOC$G(B|wro/: false [] range "\w-" in regexp at ../filter/ line 211.
(BBad free() ignored at ../pl/ line 71, <GEN3> line 10.
(BBad free() ignored at ../pl/ line 71, <GEN3> line 11.
(BBad free() ignored at ../pl/ line 71.
(BBad free() ignored at ../pl/ line 71.
(BBad free() ignored at ../pl/ line 71.
(BBad free() ignored at ../pl/ line 71.
(BPASS: mknmz-1
(BAll 18 tests passed
$B$K$J$k$N$O!"(BOK $B$HH=CG$7$F$$$k$N$,4V0c$$$J$N$+(B??
knok> <>


$(O!V<+J,$NF|5-$r8+$m(B!$(O!W$H$$$&?M$K;O$a$F2q$C$?$>(B! ^^;;)
$(O$3$;$-(B @ Emacs $(O$N%Z!<%8:n@.Cf(B