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Problems with configuring namazu.cgi


I have been a mhonarc user for years (Hi Earl!) and just now 
found the namazu search engine. It looks like it will be a 
perfect fit for searching the archives of my lists.

I have installed the files and have run 'mknmz' on a small
sub-set of the files to test the functionality.

But I am not able to use namazu.cgi to search the archive. It 
looks like I have missed something in the configuration but I 
don't know what.

mknmz was run with the -O argument and the index files were created
in ~/public_html/list/namazu
I have also placed the NMZ.head etc. files in the same directory.

The .namazurc file has
Index         /usr/home/<account_name>/public_html/list/namazu
Template      /usr/home/<account_name>/public_html/list/namazu  

If I type
in a browser, I get an "Internal Server Error" message.

If I set QUERY_STRING and SCRIPT_NAME on the comand-line and just
run namazu.cgi from the command line, I get an HTML page that says

    This index contains <!-- FILE --> 0 <!-- FILE --> documents and
    <!-- KEY --> 0 <!-- KEY --> keywords.

It looks like I am not pointing namazu to the index.

How can I tell namazu where the index is?

-- : Where Mumbaikars meet